Thursday, 27 October 2011

What I already know about bees by Andre

A bee has stripes. A bee goes buzz.
Andre 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Charlee

A bee stings people. They collect pollen to make honey. It tastes yum!
Charlee 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Charlotte

Bees collect pollen from flowers. Bees can sting you. There is a queen bee. People eat honey.
Charlotte   27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Chloe

This is a bee. It has girl eyes.
Chloe 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Chyla

The bee is going to the honey. The bee is going to the flower.
Chyla 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Connor

A bee is a living thing. They collect nectar from flowers. I like bees.
Connor 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Elai

A bee has got a sting. A bee has got a nose.
Elai 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Fergus

A bee is a living thing. I love bees they are cool.
Fergus 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Irie

A bee likes to go to the flower to make some honey so people can eat it.
Irie 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Isla

A bee is a flying thing. A bee can get honey from flowers. Some bees can’t fly in the rain. Bees can sting people.
Isla 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Lily

A bee gets honey from flowers. Bees sting people. They are dangerous.
Lily 27.10.11

My Bee by Marcus

What I already know about bees by Oliver

A bee can get some honey for its babies and from the trees.
Oliver 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Ruben

A bee is an insect. It has a stinger on its bum. It collects pollen from its nose, then they go back to the hive.
Ruben 27.10.11

My Bee by Ryan

What I already know about bees by Safa

A bee carries pollen on the leg. Bees get pollen from a flower. Bees lay eggs.
Safa 27.10.11

What I already know about bees by Stanley

This is a bee. Bees are flying things. Bees are a bug. Bees can sting. Some make honey and they have stripes.
Stanley 27.10.11

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Signs of Spring by Andre

Signs or Spring by Ryan

Signs or Spring by Lily

Signs or Spring by Chloe

Pick flowers
Red rose
It is hot
Nice lambs
Golden sand

Signs or Spring by Fergus

Pick flowers
Red rose
It is cold
Nice lambs
Golden sand

Signs or Spring by Marcus

Pick flowers
Red rose
It is cold
Nice lambs
Golden sand

Signs or Spring by Stanley

Sunny sun flowers
Pretty pink
Rainbow roots
Interesting insects
Nice playing
Green grass

Signs or Spring by Isla

Pink flowers
Red rainbow
Interesting insects
Nice animals
Growing garden

Signs or Spring by Oliver

Some sun
Pretty butterflies
Red rainbow
Nice animals
Golden grass

Signs or Spring by Sophie

Purple flowers
Red roses
It is hot
New ducklings
Green leaves

Signs or Spring by Charlotte

Purple flowers
Red rainbow
Interesting insects
Nice playing
Green grass

Signs or Spring by Chyla

Some lambs
Pink pictures
In a tree
Nice colouring
Good writing

Signs or Spring by Elai

Pick flowers
Red rose
It is hot
Nice lambs
Golden sand

Signs or Spring by Safa

Pink roses
Rainbow has red
Insects are out
Nice horses
Good writing

Signs or Spring by Irie

Purple flowers
Red rainbow
It is hot
Nice animals
Going to the beach

Signs or Spring by Ruben

Pretty animals
Ruben and Ryan race
It is hot
New ducks
Green grass